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Bootstrapping vs funding: pros and cons startups need to know

Bootstrapping vs funding: pros and cons startups need to know
Bootstrapping vs funding: pros and cons startups need to know

Updated: 24 January 2024.

Bootstrap or seek funding? It's a tough one. While some founders self-finance their startup at the beginning, most will eventually turn to outside investment to scale up.

Securing funding from a VC or another investor can help new businesses defy the odds, gain credibility and fight for space in hyper-competitive markets. But it's not without its cons. And the same goes for self-financing, i.e. bootstrapping.

Bootstrapping can be a valuable lesson in shrewd decision-making and adapting to customers' needs quickly.

There's merit in both methods. But what's best for you and your business? We'll cover everything you need to know to confidently make that call.

What is bootstrapping?

Bootstrapping is when an entrepreneur uses their own money (savings, for instance) to start a business. If it all goes well, company profit is then reinvested back into the business. 

Not every startup needs a lot of funds to get started. It depends on the business model, the goal, the overheads etc. In those cases, there’s no real need to seek third-party investment. Founders and their partners (if any) can fund it alone and retain complete ownership.

That being said, not every founder has access to the funds they need. That's where outside investment comes in.

Famous bootstrapped businesses

Here are a few names you might have heard of:

  • Mailchimp
  • Basecamp
  • Innocent Drinks
  • Brewdog
  • Gymshark
  • Myprotein


What about funding?

Founders can raise funds from external sources, to launch a startup, sustain it and scale up, which usually involves pitching to investors like VCs and Angels to invest capital in the business in exchange for equity.

There are different types of funding rounds: Seed funding, Series A, B, C and so on. Often, we view these rounds as key milestones. Markers that indicate what stage of the journey a company is at. 

Generally speaking, most companies (even the bootstrappers) eventually go on to seek funding at a later stage to support their expansion and other strategic initiatives.

Bootstrapping vs. funding: a list of pros and cons

Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of bootstrapped businesses vs those that receive outside investment. Now, these are generalisations so take them with a pinch of salt.

The advantages of bootstrapping:

  • Total control
  • 100% ownership
  • Freedom to be agile
  • It's a lesson in discipline and decisiveness
  • It's a test of resourcefulness

The disadvantages of bootstrapping:

  • Slower growth rate
  • Limited resources
  • Increased personal/financial risk

The advantages of funding:

  • Rapid growth
  • More resources
  • Access to a strategic network
  • Increased chances of survival in competitive markets
  • Ideal for planned exits

The disadvantages of funding:

  • Strings attached such as performance-related milestones and rigid timelines
  • Staggered payments
  • Equity dilution*

That's a broad overview. But there are a few key items on this list worth unpacking a little more.

Let's take a closer look

Complete control

Founders of bootstrapped businesses don’t have to answer to anyone except themselves and their partners. They have the freedom to do as they see fit and make their own decisions. 

You can see the appeal, especially for founders with the drive (and the time) to devote themselves entirely to the business. Owners heavily involved tend to be closer to the customers, so they can quickly change tack and adapt to meet customer needs.

With complete control comes great responsibility. Founders of bootstrapped businesses must show discipline and make shrewd decisions like cutting back on unnecessary expenses and ruthlessly prioritising resources. 

In theory, that makes for a financially savvy and decisive founder. 

Owners of bootstrapped businesses can also leverage resources, like advisors and freelancers, as and when is needed (without asking third parties for permission). So, they have greater flexibility when it comes to hiring.

Go at your own pace

In a hyper-competitive market, startups usually have to go full throttle to survive. One way to accelerate is with additional investment. But for some companies, rapid growth isn’t the immediate goal. 

Those targeting the mid-market (or a market where competitors quite happily co-exist) may prefer to grow gradually and consolidate when reaching milestones rather than steam ahead. Simply put owners of bootstrapped businesses can set a pace that suits them.

But then again...

Personal and financial risk

Funding a company entirely by yourself is undoubtedly a risk that may or may not pay off. That being said, there are successful bootstrapped businesses that, to this day, have refused a single penny of outside investment and enjoyed a fruitful exit. Or remain at the head of the table as we speak.

Slow to scale

Bootstrapped businesses tend not to grow as fast because they don’t have the funds, nor the resources, to scale quickly. But as we mentioned earlier, rapid growth is not always the goal.

Ultimately, every business is unique, so it’s up to you to decide what speed suits you. And there are other ways to attract talent and grow the team, even if you don’t have big budgets. Sharing equity is one way (which we’ll come on to later).

On the flip side...

Financial wiggle-room

With the help of outside investment, founders have bigger budgets to play with without risking their own finances. They can spend money to make money with more resources at their disposal.

With funding, founders have the financial freedom to focus on business interests rather than day-to-day operations. Breathing space to assess where the business is headed. 

Growth spurt

Founders with additional funds can attract and hire top talent and increase production to drive the business forward at a much faster pace. (Though high salaries aren’t the only way to attract and retain talent).

Funding is an attractive option when there’s a short window of market opportunity and a need to capitalize quickly to compete with (or survive alongside) the top dogs.

Not only that, but investors can share valuable insights and expertise in different areas of the business and the market you’re in. Potentially, a wealth of knowledge and an influential network to draw upon when making decisions. 

And if you’ve persuaded a high-profile investor to get on board, that inevitably adds credibility to your venture.

That being said...

Strings attached

Those who accept outside investment have more people to please. Major business decisions must be run by stakeholders, lessening a founder's control over the business.

If you pick the right partners and the right investors, this isn’t normally an issue. But in some cases, getting things done can take an unnecessarily long time. 

Investors like a VC or an Angel will typically attach conditions to their investment. Founders rarely receive the total amount right away, often bound to abide by a rigid timeline or meet pre-agreed milestones before any funds are released.

That’s not unusual. After all, investors rightfully want to see a return on their investment. Be reassured that everything is going according to plan. Though, you can see why some founders may want to avoid ceding control and ownership.

Speaking of ownership

There's a misconception that equity dilution is a bad thing - that maintaining 100% ownership is always the best thing and that those who give away precious equity to investors are at a disadvantage.

But share dilution isn’t always something to avoid.

When new shares are issued, the portion of the equity that everyone ultimately receives decreases, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the value of their shares has decreased.

By securing additional funds, a company may achieve growth otherwise believed impossible - growth likely to increase the value of all shares. So, while founders and shareholders may own a smaller portion, they have a portion of a much bigger pie.

If you’re considering going down this route, share equity with the team, not just the board or investors.

Why? Because employee share schemes are proven to attract talent, increase productivity, boost performance and employee engagement and improve retention rates.

If you're not the sole founder, get a co-founder prenup. Your business may not be worth anything right now, but as it grows in value, you'll want to make sure that you've got your equity split hammered down to avoid any nasty surprises.

If you want to talk to us about co-founder equity agreements or employee share schemes, feel free to give us a call

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of the pros and cons at play. However you decide to finance your business, be it off your own back or with the help of investors, we wish you all the best!

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