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AMA: Amin Fard, Managing Director of Lyon Tech

AMA: Amin Fard, Managing Director of Lyon Tech

Today we sat down with Amin Ford, the Managing Director of Lyon Tech, to talk about the importance of team togetherness, why walking meetings are a productivity tool, and why you are right where you need to be.

Hi Amin! Could you share the story behind Lyon Tech and the inspiration that led to its creation?

The founders of Lyon Tech had witnessed creative businesses grappling with technology hurdles that hindered their artistic processes.

From software glitches to hardware limitations, these challenges stifled the creative flow. Determined to bridge the gap between technology and creativity, Lyon Tech was born in 2017.

The team, a blend of tech wizards and creative minds, set out to provide bespoke IT support that understood the nuances of the artistic workflow.

They developed tailored solutions, from optimising graphic design software to ensuring seamless collaboration platforms. The ethos was clear – technology should enhance, not impede, the creative journey.

Lyon Tech swiftly became the go-to partner for creative businesses seeking a harmonious blend of technology and imagination.

With a client-centric approach and a commitment to staying ahead of tech trends, the company transformed the IT landscape for creative enterprises, proving that innovation in support services can be as creative as the businesses they serve.

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

Funding was a significant hurdle as we sought to transform our vision into reality.

We addressed this by meticulously crafting a compelling business plan, showcasing the unique value our IT support company brought to the creative sector. This resonated with investors who shared our enthusiasm for innovation.

Hamish Martin of Lava Advisory was instrumental to our funding and acquisition programme and we continue to rely on their support and advice as we continue to grow.

Recruiting the right talent was another obstacle. We needed a team that not only possessed technical prowess but also had a deep understanding of the creative industry.

Overcoming this challenge involved networking within the creative community, attending industry events, and offering competitive incentives to attract top-tier talent.

Establishing credibility in a crowded market was a formidable task.

We navigated this by offering pilot programs to select creative businesses, showcasing the transformative impact of our tailored IT solutions.

Positive testimonials and case studies became instrumental in building trust among potential clients.

Lastly, staying abreast of ever-evolving technology trends posed an ongoing challenge.

We established a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, encouraging our team to pursue certifications and attend industry conferences. This commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements became a cornerstone of our success.

Tell us more about your team

Our team at Lyon Tech is a diverse and passionate group united by a shared vision - to become the technology hub for creative sector businesses. Comprising tech enthusiasts, creative minds, and industry experts, our team brings a dynamic blend of skills to the table.

From the inception of the company, we prioritised building a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Each team member is not just an employee but a valued contributor, bringing their unique perspectives to drive our mission forward.

We have experts in graphic design, software development, cybersecurity, and project management, ensuring a holistic approach to addressing the technology challenges of our clients.

Growing the business involved strategic hiring and nurturing talent internally.

As we expanded our client base, we recognised the need for specialised expertise. Our recruitment process focused on finding individuals who not only excelled in their technical domains but also understood the intricacies of the creative industry.

To foster continuous learning, we invested in training programs, certifications, and collaborative projects. This commitment to professional growth not only enhanced individual skill sets but also contributed to the collective expertise of the entire team.

Our growth strategy involved establishing strategic partnerships within the creative sector. Collaborating with design studios, advertising agencies, and multimedia production houses allowed us to understand industry nuances better and tailor our services accordingly.

Today, our team stands as the backbone of Lyon Tech, driving innovation, ensuring client satisfaction, and propelling the company to new heights in the dynamic intersection of technology and creativity.

How does your company promote diversity, both in your team and within your product or service offerings?

We champion diversity and inclusion as fundamental pillars of our company ethos. Our hiring practices prioritise equal opportunities, considering diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

We foster an inclusive workplace culture that values and celebrates differences.

This diversity not only enhances creativity within our team but also translates into more comprehensive and innovative solutions for our clients.

In our product and service offerings, we are committed to addressing the diverse needs of our clientele, ensuring our technology solutions cater to a broad spectrum of users and industries.

By embracing diversity, both in our team and our offerings, we believe we can drive innovation and make a positive impact in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

What are the metrics that you never take your eye off, and why?

Client and employee satisfaction, response times, and cybersecurity metrics are paramount.

Client satisfaction ensures we meet expectations, swift response time maintains operational efficiency and robust cybersecurity metrics are non-negotiable for safeguarding sensitive creative assets.

How do you manage your cap table currently?

Using dedicated software, we track all equity allocations, ownership stakes, and any changes in real time. This precision is vital for making informed decisions, attracting investors, and ensuring fair compensation for employees.

Managing our cap table correctly is crucial for maintaining a healthy financial structure, calculating accurate valuations, and fostering trust among stakeholders. 

It lays the foundation for strategic growth, funding rounds, and ultimately contributes to the long-term success of our company.

Couldn't agree more! What about share schemes? Do you have one in place?

We don’t have a share scheme in place at present.

However, we have recently introduced a plan and timeline to introduce this to the business. This initiative aligns our team's interests with the company's success, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment.

By offering shares to employees, we promote a collaborative and motivated work culture, encouraging everyone to contribute to the company's growth.

It's a win-win scenario.

A share scheme not only attracts top talent but also establishes a strong connection between individual achievements and overall company success, creating a win-win scenario for both the employees and the business.

100%. Have you picked up any unusual or surprising productivity hacks along the way? 

Although I am yet to introduce this across the team, I've embraced the 'Walking Meeting' as an unconventional productivity ritual (which not only promotes physical activity) but also provides a change of scenery, fostering a relaxed and open atmosphere.

Many of our most creative solutions have emerged during these walking meetings, proving that a breath of fresh air can spark innovation and contribute to a healthier, more dynamic work environment.

And finally, what's the quote or mantra that keeps you inspired on tough days?

You are where you exactly need to be.

Love that. Thanks for your time, Amin. We're off to get a breath of fresh air!
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