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2 min read

Vestd 2023: the new and improved

Vestd 2023: the new and improved

Equity management can be intimidating. And that’s a crying shame because equity can unlock a team’s potential and sow the seeds for serious growth.

That’s why we do everything we can to demystify share schemes and make sharing equity as easy as possible.

And that involves a lot of research, poring over customer feedback and tinkering away behind the scenes to make the app sing. We made 50+ product improvements in 2023 alone.

But if we listed all of those, you’d be here all day. So, here’s a quick summary of 2023’s most exciting updates and a taste of what's to come.

What’s new?

Keep shareholders in the loop 

We’ve enhanced shareholder communications to make it even easier to share regular updates with the right people. Create bespoke mailing lists for specific groups and customise messages to add that personal touch and match your brand colours. Little details make all the difference!

Flexible user permissions

You asked, and we delivered. Vestd customers can give specific individuals sight of certain areas of the app.

For example, let’s say you want to share your cap table with an investor. Well, now you can (and we bet they’ll be impressed). You can choose from three ready-made roles: Super User, Editor and View-Only, or create your own.

Secure data rooms

Organise everything you need for your upcoming funding round in one place. Store essential business docs in secure data rooms and grant access as you see fit. Simple stuff, but it can save a lot of time later when investors come knocking.

Smart workflow for subdividing share capital

A subdivision is essential for anybody setting up a share scheme or heading into a funding round. It makes your company's share capital more liquid, so there are more shares to reward the team or give investors, but not at the expense of your own stake.

Our new subdivision workflow speeds up the onboarding process for customers and sets everybody up for success. 

Your entire portfolio in one place

(One for investors). With our new dashboard, you can track the value of your investments across multiple entities and organise companies by fund, geography or sector for consolidated views - so you can see what you need to see in seconds.

Use Vestd’s integration with Companies House to validate shareholdings and track cap table changes in real-time. And model future scenarios!

That’s a super quick recap of just some of the improvements the team has brought to the table in 2023 to make customers’ lives easier. But what’s on the horizon?

What’s coming?

Company Share Option Plans (CSOPs) are coming to Vestd. It won't be long before you can set up a tax-friendly CSOP on Vestd (or digitise an existing one). Keep your eyes peeled in Q1 2024. 

We'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge thanks to our customers for their support over the years, as we endeavour to make Vestd the best it can be.

Could Vestd help you? Book a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our equity experts.

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