How do I invite shareholders to Vestd?

Improve shareholder engagement by inviting them to manage their shares and project future values.

When you first join the platform, your company's shareholders will be automatically pulled from Companies House and visible on your cap table. 

But they won't be able to view their shareholding and its value unless you invite them to Vestd. 

Don't worry, inviting shareholders to Vestd doesn't count towards the total scheme members allowed in your plan. Unless the shareholder is added to a share scheme, of course. 

Bulk inviting shareholders 

Go to Secretarial & admin > Shareholders via your homepage or side navigation. Simply select all the shareholders you wish to invite using the checkbox next to each name, click Invite shareholders to Vestd and send the invites out!

Each shareholder will receive an email to join Vestd, where they'll then be able to view their shares and project future value. 

You can also invite shareholders individually by clicking their names followed by Invite.

We recommend adding a residential address for all shareholders. This means Vestd can be used as your legal owner register (so long as all share movements have been recorded on the platform). 

Please note, you can only bulk invite individual shareholders.

If you wish to invite corporate shareholders, you will need to assign an individual email address to it. Click on the corporate shareholder and add an email address, then invite them to join Vestd. 


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